
Thursday, January 3, 2013


It is Thursday. Wearing new shoes. Slow wake up and ridiculous alarm hitting.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Life List

I've been working on my life list a lot lately. It isn't something I've ever really shared with anyone beyond the verbal "oh that is on my life list." But I'm off to Camp Mighty later this year and so perhaps its time to take my list to the world of blogs. It is not complete as of yet, plus I'm already crossing items off, but I view this list as an ever changing horizon of things to look forward to, to things to work towards, and things to dream of.

I am going to start documenting each item as I cross them off the list. Hopefully sharing these experiences will inspire someone, at the very least they will be a wonderful way for me to cherish the things I have done. 

Without further adu. My life list:

  1. Travel to all seven continents
  2. Make a quilt for each of my siblings and my parents
  3. Visit all of the major National Parks
  4. Make the perfect oooy gooooogy chocolate cake
  5. Knit myself a sweater
  6. Actually read Pride and Prejudice all the way through
  7. Become comfortable playing the piano
  8. Go on a trip with only my siblings (no spouses, no parents, no children)
  9. Make and maintain a garden all spring summer fall long
  10. See the Northern Lights
  11. Complete a triathlon
  12.  Take a trip by myself (more than 3 days)
  13.  Learn to Ski – Visited Dona and Dough in Salt Lake City for a week in February 2012. Doug took me to Alta after it snowed several feet. We skied the bunny slope three times. I thought my legs would fall off by the end of it. Pretty exhilarating though. Only fell once, but boy is it humbling to be rescued by a 60+ year old!
  14. Learn to Surf
  15. Do a handstand, a set of 12 pull ups and 25 pushups in one day
  16. Make cheese
  17. Juggle a soccer ball 50 times in a row
  18. Spend a full day in all 50 states
  19. Reupholster a couch
  20. Build myself a piece of furniture from wood
  21. Complete a 30/30 wardrobe challenge
  22. Compile a list of 100 movies I’ve never seen and must see. (and see em)
  23. Make a list of 100 books I should read. (and read em)
  24. Spend a week without phone, internet, computers, etc.
  25. Make a lemon meringue pie just like Grandma’s (with the perfectly golden swirlytop)
  26. Paint a self portrait
  27. Get a coffee for a stranger who looks like the could use it
  28. Learn 100 new words – or clarify words I’m murky on, must be used correctly in every day conversation
  29. Scan all family slides and photos. Help mom and dad to actual document them – In 2011 I scanned all of the photos from Mom and Dad’s collection. I was able to scan them all in time for Dan and Will’s weddings, but need to organize and date them as best as possible. Still need to scan all the photos. Also need to get Grandma’s photos.
  30. Go to a Skins, Wizards, Caps, DC United, O’s, and Nat’s game
  31. Visit Monticello – went in 2011 for work, but got to play around throughout the house after it was closed off to the public, so I’m half counting it.
  32. Go on a real backpacking trip
  33. Ride on a motorcycle – in 2011 while visiting Bri and Ryan we took a ride out to the country for brunch (Bri and I in her mini, Ryan on his motorcycle). On the way back I rode with Ryan for a little bit. My whole body was tense and exhausted from it (that is what being at attention, gripped with fear for 30 minutes does to you, same feeling applied to skiing). Definitely a thrilling experience. I think scooters might be more my speed.
  34. Learn how to take a blood pressure/pulse and what it means.
  35. Fly (carryon) with only one book and slippers (and ID, wallet, etc).
  36. Collect and hang 30 pieces of art
  37. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
  38. Learn how to do/book steak justice – in 2012 I purchased a really nice steak from a fancy pants store in Rockville. I was at meat counter and was hemming and hawing about the cost and if I should get it when the gentleman helping me out winks, lifted up the steak and pressed a button, sending me out the door with “less” meat than I had. When I got home I did some research only to find that all I needed was salt, pepper and a hot grill. I watched the clock like a hawk and followed the directions to the T and nailed it. My steak was finger licking good (yup, actually legit licked my fingers) and has definitely made me more confident  about cooking different meat cuts.
  39. Build an amazing studio – with a dark room, a wheel, sewing area, paper arts, etc.
  40. Learn how to dance, starting with swing
  41. Cut down my own Christmas tree
  42. Learn how to change my car’s oil and other basic car stuff
  43. Visit every Smithsonian in DC
  44. Go to a Buddest/zen retreat where you don’t speak for a week
  45. Build a tree house
  46. Take a trip with my mom
  47. Go to an Olympic Game/event
  48. Ride the Ferris wheel with my sweetheart 
  49. Through the most kickass birthday party for someone else
  50. Learn at least one Ceili dance for my mom
  51. Make a time capsule
  52. Attend a real gala in a gorgeous gown
  53. Live in a room with a glass ceiling so I can watch the stars at night
  54. Design and build my own home
  55. Take portraits of all the important people in my life
  56. Ride elephants in a foreign land
  57. Find an amazing historic building in need of TLC and give it TLC
  58. Learn to whistle with my fingers
  59. Throw a proper British high tea party
  60. Master a British accent
  61. Take a calligraphy class
  62. Shake the President’s hand
  63. Take archery lessons
  64. Write down my parents histories and stories
  65. Have a kickass Halloween costume
  66. Visit the major sites of the Revolutionary War
  67. Speak in front of a crowd (as a sane, understandable person)
  68. Learn the basics of physics
  69. Restore a car
  70. Dance around a May Pole
  71. Play a serious game of capture the flag
  72. Wake up outside 1000 times
  73. See Circe De Soleil show
  74. Dance naked under a full moon (@ equinox?)
  75. Pet a dolphin, swim with if possible
  76. Teach a class
  77. Make jam from fruit I’ve grown
  78. Front row tickets to a show I really want to see
  79. Fly first class
  80. Have a cool collection and document it
  81. Go to a party where nobody speaks English
  82. Replace all IKEA furniture in my home
  83. Write the story of my life down
  84. Learn about the constellations
  85. Learn to play the Banjo
  86. Open my own shop or craft table
  87. Take a luxurious bath in a giant claw footed bathtub
  88. Ride in a helicopter (for fun)
  89. Visit all of the National Trust for Historic Preservation locations 

 I'm getting close to my goal of 100. Once I get there I plan to add something new every time I cross something off. Next up: doing a triathlon. Ready or not, I will be jumping in the potomac this coming Sunday morning. I will swim that mile, bike 25 and run a 10k and then we'll see if I ever feel like doing it again. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Health and wealth

I am terrible at resolutions. I do not keep them. As a result I've never ever gone on a diet, or saved for something specific. If I made the rule then I can break the rule.

But I've gone an done something that will change that-ish. I signed up for a triathlon. This is going to require a sharp change in accountability to myself, which I need. This morning was day one of pre training. I got out of bed early and went for a walk with my roomie. We are establishing the routine. Pretty soon I have to start running instead of walking, till then it's lovely to have the company.

As part of this whole accountable to myself thing I am also going to bring my lunch to work always. I have prepackaged my foods and am ready to take on week one.

The goal is optimizing health. I will get there!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dumbdumb Alert

Lesson learned tonight: do not practice your kickboxing moves while using mouthwash.

who has two thumbs and just figured that one out...

On another note, we repainted our bathroom last weekend. It's looking pretty now. We also mega cleaned the
bathroom before hand which I was ever so grateful for come Thursday night. Food poisoning had me curled up on the floor for the bulk of the night. Knowing it was clean was a comfort.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sleeping and eating nothing but bland foods for two days straight is not any fun. I am bored, yet my head still hurts and my eye is majorly twitching. This has been my view. Not too bad considering.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

one point at a time

1.5 mile fun

**pat on the back**

Its a starting point, a small point, but a point none the less.
